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Shows You How To Become Super Confident At Prospecting And Recruiting.”

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FREE BOOK Reveals Exactly How To...

"Create Better Connections, Invite With Ease, Obliterate Objections, Follow-Up And Close Like A Pro!"

"Todd’s integrity and professionalism are what this industry is all about. I love the fact that Todd’s main goal is to help Network Marketers grow their business." 

Ben Sturtevant

"Todd is able to breakdown the essentials of sales and business building into a form that allows people of all levels to become masterful producers."

Susan Sly

"Todd’s expertise lies in the fact that he has experienced network marketing from the distributor side – and he’s a great teacher. His strategies are relevant."

Margie Aliprandi

"Todd Falcone is one of the best network marketers I know. He is a prospecting pro and knows EXACTLY what it takes to massively succeed in network marketing."

Jordan Adler

“Todd Falcone was instrumental in teaching me how to prospect. He is a machine…and can teach anyone how to get better results while prospecting.” 

Mike Dillard

"My biggest success in Network Marketing has always come from recruiting professional people.  And…Todd is the MASTER at teaching people how to do it!.”

Jarrod Wilkins
Becoming a FEARLESS NETWORKER just got a lot easier...

Here's what you'll discover in this TACTIC packed BOOK from Todd Falcone:
  • Chapter 1: The Foundation of Your Success - In this chapter you'll discover how to build your beliefs and your confidence. I'll share with you the SIX SIMPLE WAYS to grow your beliefs so that you're able to grow your network marketing business with greater CONFIDENCE.
  • ​Chapter 2: Understanding Why People Buy - Here you'll discover what makes people like and trust you (and ultimately buy from you). Once you know this, you'll find it becomes very easy to GET MORE PEOPLE into your network marketing business.
  • Chapter 3: Break the Ice and Build Rapport - Imagine being able to walk into a room and confidently spark up a conversation. This is a KEY to attracting fresh NEW PROSPECTS into your business. I'll show you how to become a rapport building PRO, whether you’re in the same room, on the phone, or engaging with them online.
  • Chapter 4: Simple and Effective Invites - Now it's time to start INVITING people to your presentation! Here you'll discover some very simple and easy to deliver invites… as well as my all-time favorite question to ask (you're going to love this one). Inviting people to look at your network marketing business just got way easier!
  • Chapter 5: Giving Better Presentations - In this chapter, I'll teach you how to BECOME A BETTER PRESENTER so you're able captivate your prospects and move them closer to a decision. Using this method to present better allows you to get more signups and close business much faster. 
  • ​Chapter 6: GAINING CONTROL OF Your Follow up - Find out what they need and give it to them. You'll also learn what happens during a follow up and what happens if they "NO SHOW" on you. Knowing these strategies puts you in control of the follow up process so you're never wasting your time.
  • Chapter 7: Overcoming Common Objections - Now we'll look at how professionals treat objections. I'll cover how to correctly use the FEEL-FELT-FOUND method. Plus, you'll discover how to handle the 20 MOST COMMON OBJECTIONS so you can easily overcome them and move your prospect into action FAST - like a true pro does!
  • Chapter 8: How to Close Like a Pro – In this Chapter, I’ll teach you some very simple and powerful closing techniques, including my FOUR BEST TIPS to improving your closing ratios. I’ll also walk you through the Exact Step-by-Step Process I use to enroll people. Imagine how it's going to feel when you're able to easily close you prospect and help them to achieve their goals.
  • Chapter 9: Getting People Started Right - At this point you'll have your beliefs on track, your prospecting on track and your presentation & closing skills off the charts. Using all these new strategies and tactics you'll now be enrolling more people into your business faster than ever before. Now that this is happening for you, I'm going to give you my SIX STEPS for creating SUCCESS with your NEW REPS, so you’re getting people started the RIGHT way!

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Plus, you have nothing to lose, because I stand behind all my products with a 30 day, no questions asked money back guarantee.
You're going to love this book and best of all you'll now have the exact steps you need to take in order to start building your network marketing business with greater confidence.  
To your success,
Todd Falcone




Todd Falcone
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